7 Przeczytaj tekst. Potem uzupełnij poniższe zdania wyrazami z tekstu. Hi, my name is Ross. One of my favourite lessons at school is cooking We learn how to make lots of delicious meals, and the teacher gives us information about food, too. We learn about food from different countries - where it grows and how much it costs. We learn how to prepare different kinds of food, and we also learn about healthy food, for example fruit and vegetables and unhealthy food, like cakes and biscuits! I think it's very important to learn how to cook well, so that we can make good meals. Fresh food tastes good and you feel good after you eat it. My cousin Sam lives in Scotland, and he's learning how to make haggis in his cooking class. The problem is that he prefers chips and pizzas! 1 Ross's favourite lesson is cooking. 2 In the lessons, the students learn to make meals. 3 He about food from other countries. 4 Ross knows about healthy and food 5 Ross thinks fresh food good 6 Sam is Ross's