Napisz notatke do rodziców o zagubionym plecaku
Potrzebuje się czyms zainspirować dam naj

Odpowiedź :



Dear parents, yesterday being in (enter your place here) with a group of friends we decided to sit down and rest. my friend (name) got a notification informing that our favorite idol (enter whoever you want) is in the city and (e.g. has a concert). like sunburned, we jumped up to rush to the bus and make it to our destination. It was great but when the event ended and the emotions subsided, I noticed that I did not have a backpack, all nervous, I returned to all places where I could lose it, but it was not there. I have already reported the matter to the policy, however, finding one filly is very difficult, especially that there was nothing inside that they could locate. I'm very sorry because this backpack meant a lot to me, please don't be angry.

sory za orto ma dysleksje :)
