Zadanie 12. (0-3 pkt.)
Przeczytaj tekst
. Spośród wyrazów podanych w ramce wybierz te, które poprawnie uzupełniają luki 1-
Wpisz odpowiednią literę (A-F) obok numeru każdej luki. Uwaga! Trzy wyrazy zostały podane
dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.
A spectators
B Field
C arrested
D police officers
E tied
F kept
An Impressive Jump
On 1st April, 1979, a few members of the Oxford University Dangerous Sport Club jumped off a
70 m bridge in England with nothing but a very long cord 1) to their ankles. News quickly
spread of the jumps and the juropers were 2)... by police and put in jail. After being released,
they continued to jump off high spots like the Golden Gate Bridge. Many 3) .... came to watch
the jurnps and soon a worldwide sport was born. We now know that sport as Bungee jumping!​