Odpowiedź :
1. The most hilarious films that I've ever seen are (i podajesz różne filmy np. "Toy Story" ).
2. The last time I felt furious was probably a week ago.
Mam nadzieję, że Ci pomogłam, a w razie co to pytaj ;) Miłego dnia!
I love watching films. recently. I've watched a few really absorbing. One of them was a comedy "Dumb and Dumber". There acted a few famous actors and actress like : Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels or Lauren Holly. It really made me laugh.
I was furious yesterday. My little brother broke my favorite vase. It was a gift from my cousin from the USA. He is generally really annoying when he tries to play around.
Mam nadzieję, że pomogłem :D