Gdzie można kupić poniższe produkty? Dopasuj je do odpowiedniego sklepu:

Magazine, potatoes, scarf, a pair of trainers, bread, plaster, onions, newspaper, roll,

sweatshirt, bandage, croissant, a box of matches, antibiotics, jumper, pears, cherries,

You can buy the following things:

1. At a Baker’s- …………………, …………………….., …………………….

2. At a chemist’s- …………………., ………………………, ……………………...

3. /In a clothes shop- …………………, ……………………, ….…………………,

4. At a greengrocer’s-………………., ……………………, …………………….., ………………………….

5. At a newsagent’s- ……………………, ……………………, ……………………..