4. Wykorzystując wyrazy podane drukowanymi literami, uzupełnij każde zdanie z luką tak, aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego (1-5). W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów, wliczając w to wyraz już Vy spodány! 1.3 seu tall Holdering sloten 1 “When will you be back from your holidays?" she asked me. WOULD She asked me back from my holidays. 2 "Can you collect my shirts from the dry cleaners this evening?” he asked. IF He asked ...... his shirts from the dry cleaners that evening. 3 “Don't be late again," mother said. MA NOT Mother told us late again 4 “Are you flying to Paris tomorrow night? he asked. WERE He asked us to Paris the following night. 5 “My neighbours asked me to look after their cat while they are on holiday,” she said. HAD She said that her neighbours ...... look after their cat while they were on holiday. (5 x 4 = 20) ********