Napisz e-mail do kolegi/koleżanki z zaproszeniem na wspólne wyjście do muzeum. W tekście e-maila uwzględnij:

-lokalizację muzeum i dzień planowanej wizyty

-cenę biletu

-plany dotyczące spędzenia czasu po wyjściu z muzeum.

(minimum 50 słów)

Odpowiedź :


Hi Tom,

how are you? I hope you're  OK. I'm wrting this e-mail to ask if you'd like to come with me to National Museum in Krakow. There's a very interesting exhibition on. If you have no plans for this weekend you're more than welcome to join me. The prices of the tickets are only 10 zlotys for students. My dad could drive us ( he wants to come too ). After the museum we could go sightseeing around Krakow and have something good to eat.

Hope to hear from you,
