W czasie pobytu na wakacjach w Londynie wynajmujesz pokój z kolegą lub koleżanką. Zamierzasz wrócić dziś późno do domu. Napisz wiadomość dla niej / niego a w niej:
– napisz o swoich planach na wieczór,
– poinformuj, z kim zamierzasz spędzić wieczór,
– podaj orientacyjną godzinę powrotu do domu,
– poproś o zrobienie zakupów.

Odpowiedź :

Hi Kate,

I will be home late. I am going to go to the museum. I will be there with Laura, my friend. I will be home about 10 o'clock. It would be great if you did the shopping( albo po prostu "Please,do the shopping")



Hi Julia!

I write to you to tell you about my plans for today.

Today I going to my new friend. I meet him in a cafe, he is very funny and kind, you would like him. We want to go to the club for dance, drink and play fun. He have brown hair, green eyes and he has a very pretty cat. I'II be back late, at 9 or 10 p.m. So you should buy some products from supermarket. We don't have a butter, milk and some water. I would be grateful if you buy this products. Money is on my room, in table.
