Uzupełnij tekst, wpisując w każdą lukę jedno słowo z ramki. Cztery wyrazy zostały podane dodatkowo. able, above, easy, feed, hunt, protects, stops, under
A weird and wonderful mammal The pangolin is an unusual animal. It's the only mammal in the world with scales. Scales cover the bodies of snakes and lizards, so a pangolin looks more like a reptile. Pangolins only eat ants and termites, which they collect with their long sticky tongues. Interestingly, pangolins are______ to close their noses and ears when they're eating ants to avoid bites. When a pangolin is in danger, it rolls up into a ball and waits for the attacker to go away. This strategy______ it from other animals, but not from people. A poacher can simply pick it up. People______ pangolins illegally mainly for their scales, which are used in traditional Chinese medicine. There are eight species of pangolin in the world and they're all_______ protection. Sadly, two of them are already greatly endangered.