PROSZĘ O POMOC DAJE NAJ TASK 2Uzupełnij zdania brakującymi wyrazami(6pkt)1. illegal but stillmany peope copy software such as CDs and DVDs.2. .............................................. is very common in my village. A lot of people steal products from shops. 3. Two ..........................................damaged the public property and ran away. 4. A ........................................broke into our house at nightand stole jewellery. 5. Everybody on the ground! This is a bank ........................................ !6. A ..................................attacked a young lady while she was walking in the street and grabbedher handbag. TASK 3 Wyrazy z kolumny A połącz z wyrazami z kolumny B, tak by powstały logiczne i poprawne zwroty. Następnie przetłumacz je na język polski.(6pkt)AB1.investigatea)averdict2.analyseb)a suspect3.announcec)a crime4.accused)a case5. breake)evidence6. commitf)the lawTASK 4Wybierz odpowiednie przyimki, takby poprawnie uzupełnić czasowniki frazowe. (4pkt) 1.The detective is looking for / froma person who robbed a bank. 2.I came about/acrossthis old photo while I was cleaning my room. 3.We must find out / about where the man lives. 4.It was a long investigation but finally he workedover / out the crime. 5.We were waiting for Mike and he finally turned up / onat 7. 6.The CIA began to look after / intothe case. 7.He was banned for / fromwalking in thisarea for two years. 8. The man was punished with /forprison sentence. CRIMECRIMINALVERB1thief2fraud345pirat6mugging78vandalism910burglary1112123456
TASK 5Przetłuamcz na język angielski (4pkt)1.winny 2.świadek 3.drobne wykroczenie4. prace społeczne

Odpowiedź :

Task 2

Cracking is illegal but stillmany peope copy software such as CDs and DVD's

Stealing is very common in my village. A lot of people steal products from shops.

Two Vandals damaged the public property and ran away.

A thief broke into our house at nightand stole jewellery.

Everybody on the ground! This is a bank robbery !

A attacker attacked a young lady while she was walking in the street and grabbedher handbag.

Task 4




4.out the crime





Task 5



Minor Offense

Community work

Jeśli chodzi o zadanie 3 jest kompletnie nie zrozumiałe :/ Lepiej by było jakbyś wstawił/a zdjęcie.