Proszę o szybkom pomoc.
Przeczytaj wpis na blogu i uzupełnij luki słowami: ALREADY; YET; FOR; SINCE
1.Sorry I haven't posted 1)....... ages, but I haven't done a lot- well, until today! It is 10:00 a.m I have done a lot of things 2).......I woke up. Who can beat this?
I've 3) ...... sent 12 text messages, and checked my emails. My best friends has phoned 2 times, and I have 4)............ watched 6 online videos. I've 5)........ done my guitar exercises, and tidied my room. I've started my homework - I haven't finished it 6).......
I've also played with my dog, but I haven't had breakfast 7)....... I have been too busy.
I've been up 8)...... three hours and I am tired and hungry. I must go to bed! Catch you later!