
3.Przeczytaj opisy trzech osób. Następnie oznacz literą T (true) zdania prawdziwe, a literą F (false) zdania fałszywe. Profile 1 Kamila is 12 years old. She lives in Spain. She can’t rollerskate or play basketball at school. At home, she makes models with paper. She can make beautiful paper birds, but she can’t make cakes. Profile 2 Bartosz is 11 years old. He is from Poland. He can singand play guitar. His favourite song is called “I Can DoAnything I Want”. But he can’t do everything – he can’tskateboard at all! Profile 3 Paulina is 13 years old. She lives in Italy. Her hobbymakes her very strong – she does gymnastics everyday. She can’t do other hobbies though because thereisn’t time. She wants to try karate one day. 1 Kamila can play basketball. 2 Kamila can make cakes that look like birds. 3 Bartosz can play the guitar. 4 Bartosz can do everything. 5 Paulina can do gymnastic​