Odpowiedź :
-Good afternoon. I would like to buy 3 tickets for ironman3.
- Of course, it’s £18.
- I have £20.
- Ok, here’s your change, £2.
- Thank you. Have a nice screening!
-Good morning
- Good morning. How can I help you?
- I would like to buy three tickets for Iron man3.
- Alright.,three tickets for Iron Man 3, £6 each.
It will be £18
- Here's the money - £20
- Ok, there's the rest - £2
- Which hall do I need to enter?
- It's hall B, first one on the left
- When does the film start?
- Film starts on half past one (13.30)
- Ok, thank you so, much for help.
- No problem. Goodbye, enjoy the seance
- Goodbye, have a nice day