Rozgrzewka językowa
1. Napisz jak często chodzisz na zakupy i z kim.

2. Napisz dokąd i w jakich godzinach najlepiej jest chodzić na zakupy.

3. Napisz co najbardziej lubisz kupować, a z czym masz kłopot.
4. Czy robisz zakupy przez internet? Jeśli tak, co zazwyczaj kupujesz?
5. Czy zakupy online to przyszłość? Napisz o plusach i minusach.

Skorzystaj z tego słownictwa
I always / never go shopping...with...
The best time/place to go shopping is...
I find it easy / difficult to buy...
I enjoy shopping for (e.g. clothes)
Online shopping is convenient because...
The advantage / disadvantage of online
shopping is...
Online shopping is / isn't the future...​

Odpowiedź :

1. I often go shopping with my mum or friends but i rarely go shopping with my dad.

2. The best time to go shopping is in the morning or during the day. The best place to go shopping is shopping center.

3. I find it easy to buy clothes such as t-shirts or decoration and food but it's difficult to buy jeans.

4. I sometimes shop online, but I go to a regular store more often. When I shop online, I buy decorations or products that are hardly available or unavailable in Poland, but I almost never buy clothes online.

5. Online shopping is the future. Someday we will be shopping online more often. The advantages are that you don't have to leave the house or stand in line, but this has some disadvantages, because we aren't able to try on clothes, for example, and see the products live.