Odpowiedź :
1. Julia loves cooking dinner in the evening.
2. My mum reads books.
3. Peter hates getting up early for school.
4. Amy doesn't like playing computer games.
5. I hate doing my homework.
6. My brothers hate eating fish for lunch.
7. Anna and Peter like listening to music in the evenings.
1. Julia loves cooking dinner in the evening.
2. My mum reads books.
3. Peter hates getting up early for school.
4. Amy doesn't like playing computer games.
5. I hate doing my homework.
6. My brothers hate eating fish for lunch.
7. Anna and Peter like listening to music in the evenings.
Czasu Present Continuous używamy, gdy coś się dzieje teraz.
1. He is working doing the gardening now.
- On robi prace ogrodowe teraz.
2. She is watering the plants at the moment.
- Ona teraz podlewa kwiatki.
3. I am flying to Paris next week.
- Lecę do Paryża w następnym tygodniu.
Czasu Present Simple używamy, gdy coś się powtarza.
1. He tidies his room every weekend.
- On sprząta swój pokój w każdy weekend.
2. She works in front of her computer every day.
- Ona pracuje przed komputerem codziennie.
3. I play footbal twice a week.
- Ja gram w piłkę nożną dwa razy w tygodniu.