5. Choose an expression from the box to complete the sentences. Wybierz wyrażenie z ramki, żeby uzupełnić zdania.
mustn’t can’t must don’t have to are allowed to
1 This is a very elegant restaurant. You _____________ wear jeans here.
2 I love the summer holidays because I _____________ study!
3 We _____________ watch TV until 8 p.m. Then it’s bedtime.
4 You _____________ study hard if you want to pass your exams.
5 You _____________ use your mobile at school.
6. Read the blog and answer the questions. Write the correct name. Przeczytaj wpisy na blogu i odpowiedz na pytania. Napisz właściwe imię.
My people, the Evenk, travel across northern Siberia in Russia with their reindeer even when it’s freezing. We can’t go to a normal school because we are never in one place for very long. So we have a school that travels with us. We have four teachers who spend a few weeks with each group before moving on to the next and we study the same subjects as other Russian children.
There are so many rules in my school that
I can’t even remember them all! We have to wear a uniform, we can’t be late to class, we’re not allowed to chew gum or have a mobile phone, we mustn’t talk when the teacher is talking. And that’s not all.
I suppose the rules are fair, but sometimes I wish we could just be allowed to do whatever we like.
Which student …
1moves often? _________
2agrees with the school rules? _________
3can’t wear whatever they like to school? _________
4lives in a cold place? _________
5doesn’t remember all the obligations at school? _________
8.Look at the situations. Complete the responses. Zapoznaj się z sytuacjami. Uzupełnij odpowiedzi.
1A friend has lost her phone. You say:
______________ you like to borrow mine?
2Your sister is organizing a party. You say:
Can I ______________ you with the food?
3Your friend offers to help you. You say:
That ______________ be great!
4Your mother needs help cleaning the house.
You say:
Don’t worry, ______________ do it.
5Your father offers to help you. You say:
It’s OK, I ______________ do it.
9. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Careful: sometimes you need the negative form! Uzupełnij zdania właściwą formą czasownika podanego w nawiasie. Uwaga: czasem możesz potrzebować jego negatywnej/przeczącej formy.
1 Police officers ______________ wear special uniforms. (must)
2 Sunday is my favourite day because I ______________ get up early. (have to)
3 We ______________ watch one hour of TV a day. (be allowed to)
4 Fire is dangerous! You ______________ play with matches. (must)
5 We’re allowed to play music during the break at school, but we ______________ play video games. (can)
10. Wyobraź sobie, że masz przyjaciela/przyjaciółkę z zagranicy. Pyta Cię on/ona o zasady panujące w Twojej szkole. Napisz maila (50 – 120 słów), w którym opowiesz:
• Co wolno Ci robić w szkole
• Czego nie wolno Ci robić w szkole
• Która zasada jest według Ciebie niesprawiedliwa i dlaczego.
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