6 Do opisów wydarzeń dopisz w zeszycie nazwy
klęsk żywiołowych ze słowniczka obok.
1 There was no rain for two months and the ground was
so dry that nothing grew.
2 The wind was so strong that it destroyed a lot of trees.
3 The lava didn't reach the town, but there was hot ash
4 The village was evacuated and the people were saved,
but some farm animals drowned.
5 We could feel the ground shaking and we were

Odpowiedź :


1. drought  –  susza

2. hurricane  –  huragan ALBO tornado/twister - tornado ALBO whirlwind  –  trąba powietrzna

3. volcanic eruption  –  erupcja wulkanu

4. flood  –  powódź

5. earthquake  –  trzęsienie ziemi


musisz sprawdzić czy w tym słowniczku masz te zwroty, bo ja tak je znam, ale w książce możesz mieć inne <33