
Work in pairs. Talk about your family and
friends. Ask about now and every day.
pomocy prosze o odpowiedź
jak będzie jakaś nie dotycząca pytani to zglaszam​

Work In Pairs Talk About Your Family Andfriends Ask About Now And Every Daypomocy Prosze O Odpowiedź Jak Będzie Jakaś Nie Dotycząca Pytani To Zglaszam class=

Odpowiedź :

What's your sister doing right now?

She's having a dinner.

How often does you brother buy snacks?

He's plump so probably everyday.

Is your brother playing tag again now?

No, he's playing basketball at the backyard.

Who your friend is talking to now ?

He's talking to his uncle.

Does your mother go to work every day?

No, she dosen't.

Is your cousin working in warehouse now?

No, he's already back home.

Is your girlfriend walking home right now?

Yes, she's coming back from school.