Write 70-100 words recipe for your favourite dish. Use questions 1–3 to help you.

1 What ingredients do you need? Write a list.
2 What other things, e.g. a knife, a bowl do you need?
3 How do you make it? Write the instructions.
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Easy Pancakes recipe!

Let’s start with ingredients that we need

-1 cup of flour
-1 cup of milk
-1 egg
-vanilla extract
-1 tablespoon (tbsp) of cinnamon
-maple syrup

Also you need
-frying pan
- bowl
- of course plate, fork and knife

It’s very simple! First add all ingredients into a bowl. Next mix it together. Heat the frying pan and pour mixture to size that you want the pancakes. When they will be in light brown colour turn it to other side. At ready pancakes I recommend pour some maple syrup on top. Enjoy :))