1 Read the text, then decide if the sentences are R (Right) or w Wrong). W (. Charlotte's Web Blog Hey guys, I ust saw the film The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe for the first time last week, and I have to a acuany really liked it I loved the book bn CS Lewas so much but was worried that the film might not be as go If you don'l know the slomil follows lour sibling Susan. LU S Beton and Edmurid cholinganayis adnobe i big house and slep through it into the fantastica world of Narnia: There he discover venderfühical creatur and talking beasts bui algo a land that is God and is and unda mais ell a a white vitch. Fonto wears the cri and wicked witch has kept Narnia in a pemarents a la cuinten Themet Asan the machinentalginali an machinnent talang and together they have la déloal the will sind Teu National bagai Slavaboul le alue bravery, loyally and family and the makers of the phone reagoad je on reprea ing them used amazin special effects to make Narnia just like lie imagine 156 himnet ihe cast dis a great ob placing a b man aracters. 1. Charlolle didn'l enjoy the film that she sava|| 2 Charlotte read the book by 0.5 Levis for the inst time las veck 3 The children in the book are all from the same tamis 4. The lion in Namia is evi and mear 5 The story contains lessons about the importance of family