Odpowiedź :
2 Uzupełnij zdania, wpisując: a, an lub the.
1 Have you got a garden at the back?
2 Is there an armchair in the living room?
3 Have you got an apartment or a house?
4 Is Tomas in the garden?
5 They have got a bookcase and a lamp.
The bookcase is black and the lamp is white.
6 I like the house, the living room is very nice.
7 Let’s sit on the balcony. It’s hot today!
8 There is a small carpet on floor.
3 Połącz właściwe części wyrazów.
1 light f house
2 tree h house
3 cast c le
4 block a of flats
5 ho g use
6 pa d lace
7 house e boat
8 ig b loo
4 Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy.
1 Have you got a lamp in your bedroom?
2 There is a small cupboard under the sink in our bathroom.
3 We have got a chimney on the roof of our house.
4 There is a wall round the garden.
5 There aren’t any carpets on the floors.
6 The fridge in the kitchen is very old.
7 He hasn’t got a shower in his bathroom.
8 There is only one armchair in the living room.
5 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami.
1 What a mess your bedroom is!
2 Where is my sandwich?
3 My room doesn’t look so bad now.
4 I can’t find my jeans. Oh, there they are!
5 There it is! Thanks for your help.
6 I make my bed every day.