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Jesteś autorem/autorką bloga o nowinkach technologicznych. Dodaj nowy wpis dotyczący sprzętu, jaki ostatnio miałeś/miałaś okazję testować. W nawiasach podano podpowiedzi, które powinny podsunąć ci pomysły. Pamiętaj, że długość tekstu powinna wynosić od 50 do 120 słów.

Hi there!

I’ve got something fantastic for you today – a review of a new gadget that I have tested.

(What gadget? What does it look like?) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .

(What do you like about it?) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

(What don’t you like about it?) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ .

Would you like to try ________________________? Write comments.

Odpowiedź :

Hi everybody,

Yesterday I got to test a new laptop and it's awesome! I think it's really pretty. It's a white model with purple keyboard. I really like that the keyboard has different color than just plain white. I also like the size of the laptop. It's bigger than normal ones but it also has its minuses. It doesn't fit in any of my bags so I can't take it anywhere with me. That's so annoying but its battery lasts longer than usual! Overall, it has more pluses than minuses and I would really recommend it to you! Would you like to try this new laptop? Let me know in comments!

mam nadzieję że jest good :.