Oskito123321 Oskito123321 04-03-2021 Język angielski Rozwiązane Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami związanymi z robieniem zakupów. Pierwsze litery zostały podane. 1 Where is the c.... ? I’d like to pay for these things and leave the shop. 2 The woman looked at her r....... and saw some items that she didn’t buy. 3 Marie, can you push the t....... round the supermarket for me? I hurt my hand yesterday. 4 There were lots of people at the t.... , so it took forever to pay. 5 Dan, can you help this c..... find the things she’s looking for? 6 There’s the jar of jam you want. It’s on the bottom s..... . 7 Did you do the s.... yesterday? We haven’t got any milk.