Zakreśl poprawną opcję w zdaniach 1-7.
We usually have dinner in the kitchen / dining
room as it's the perfect place for the whole family
to sit down around a big table.
2 My grandparents live in a small cottage / flat in
the country.
3 Their new house has a big shed / patio where
they can sit and relax.
4 Our new bedroom / living room looks so nice
with the new sofa and armchairs.
5 The shed / utility room is my favourite place. I can
keep any essential tools and the lawnmower there.
6 I loved the painting, so I decided to hang it up/
out on the wall.
7 He put all the dirty clothes into the tumble dryer/
washing machine.

Odpowiedź :



1. dining room

2. cottage

3. patio room

5. shed

6. hang it up

7. washing machine

Raczej dobrze :)


1. dining room

2. cottage

3. ?

4. living room

5. utility

6. up

7.washing machine
