.Proszę napiszcie 5 zdań na 3 sposoby - jak udzielić porady - tak, jak robiliśmy na lekcji. Podam jeszcze przykład.
Powinienes pościelić łóżko 1. You should make the bed. 2. Why don't you make the bed? 3. Why don't you make the bed?

Pownieneś odłożyć ubrania do szafy.
Powinieneś posłuchać tej piosenki.
Powinieneś odprowadzić swoją mamę na lotnisko.
Pownieneś utrzymywać kontakt z kolegami z klasy
Powinieneś zobaczyć tego żonglera.

Odpowiedź :


1You should put your clothes to the closet.

Why don't you put your clothes to the closet?

How about putting put your clothes to the closet.

2. You should listen to this song.

Why don't you listen to this song?

How about listening to this song?

3. You should walk your mom to the airport.

Why don't you walk your mom to the airport?

How about walking your mom to the airport?

4. You should keep in touch with your classmates.

Why don't you keep in touch with your classmates?

How about keeping in touch with your classmates?

5. You should see this juggler.

Why don't you see this juggler?

How about seeing this juggler?
