Ułóż 10 dowolnych zdań z czasownikami modalnymi must / have to / has to / mustn't/don't have to / doesn't to wraz z polskim tłumaczeniem

Odpowiedź :


1. You must do your homework. - Musisz zrobic swoja prace domowa.

2. You have to fasten your seatbelts. Musisz zapiac pasy.

3. He has to tidy his room. On musi sprzątnąć swój pokój.

4. We mustn't wear dirty shoes at school. Nie wolno nam nosic brudnych butow w szkole.

5. They don't have to go to school on Friday. Oni nie musza isc do szkoly w piatek.

6. She doesn't have to help her mum with cooking. Ona nie musi pomagac swojej mamie w gotowaniu.

7. We don't have to make the dinner today. My nie musimy robic dzis obiadu.

8. David has to wash his dad's car. Dawid musi umyc auto swojego taty.

9. You must do it. Ty musisz to zrobic.

10. She mustn't come back home after 10p.m. Jej nie wolno wracać do domu po 22.