
blagam bardzo potrzebuje tego :(
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Odpowiedź :


Dear [jakieś imię] !

I have just moved to Cracow. My mum has found a new job, so we also had to change the location of the house. I love this town! We often came here for our aunt's vacation. Now I will be able to visit her more often.  

Our new house looks good, but I will miss the old one. In this house there are lots of old books, so i won't be bored. The house has two floors and is close to the park. I will be able to walk there with Laki, he realy enjoys playing in park.  

How abaut you? Do you have any ideas for your mum's birthday? If you don't have one, how about a two-day trip to London? I was there two years ago, it's so beautiful! You can visit the city, take a break from home, school and work.Tickets are also not very expensive, the flights are short, and in two days you will have time to see a lot.

I hope you come up with something fun and that your mom will be happy. I will visit you as often as possible. Maybe you will also come to Cracow for the weekend?

See you soon


Mam nadzieję że pomogłam i liczę na NAJ :)