Witaj :)
Zadanie 4
1. He played chess with you, didn't he? - Yes, he did.
2. You switched on your computer, didn't you? - No, I didn't.
3. He isn't doing his homework now, is he? - No, he isn't.
4. You were doing your homework, weren't you? - Yes, I were.
5. It isn't working, is it? - Yes, it is.
Zadanie 5
1. While you were watching TV I was having a shower.
2. We were running in the park while he was riding a bike.
3. I wasn't listening while you were speaking.
4. My mum was doing shopping while I and my father were waiting in the car.
5. While Susan was writing exercises Mary wasn't sitting next to her.
Nie ma polecenia do dwóch pierwszych przykładów, więc ich niestety nie mogę zrobić.