I like to wear 1___ clothes like jeans when I meet my friends. My sister only wears 2___ things that are modern and in fashion, and my friends all have different styles: Anna has a smart, individual style
so she is always very 3___ but Max likes to look
like a hippie, so his clothes are more 4___. I don’t really care about fashion, as long as I don’t look
5___ and untidy.
1 a casual b scruffy
2 a trendy b bohemian
3 a casual b chic
4 a bohemian b trendy
5 a vintage b scruffy
13 Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.
1 There’s too much noise. It’s difficult _________ concentrate.
2 She apologized _________ being late.
3 I’m looking forward _________ seeing you at the party.