Odpowiedź :
W tym zadaniu musimy uzupełnić zdania, korzystając z trybów warunkowych.
1. If you are scared of spiders, don't go to the garden.
2. Where would you choose if you could live anywhere in the world?
3. She would be furious if she found out the truth!
4. You should have done your homework. You would have known the answer if you had read the book.
5. You have to take a taxi home if you want to leave now.
6. The video pauses if you press this button.
7. Jack found a mobile phone on the bus and kept it. He would have returned it if he were honest.
8. I cannot decide which way I should go. If you drive from London to Glasgow, which do you take?
9. Do you want to go home? I will give you a lift if it rains.
10. If water is frozen, it expands.
11. If you really want to learn Italian, you need to spend some time in Italy.
12. If you leave now, you will be home in two hours.
13. I often go on business trip to Germany. If I go to Berlin, I travel by train.
14. If they got married, they would move to France.
15. If anyone asks for me, I will be in the café.
16. More people would lose their jobs if computers could think like humans.
17. Good they arrived last night. If they had arrived on Monday, there would be nowhere to stay for them.
18. If you were offered a better position, would you leave your job?
19. I never eat beef if we have it for dinner. I don’t like it.
20. You will enjoy Sweeney Todd if you like good musicals.
Zerowego trybu warunkowego używamy do mówienia o faktach i prawach natury. Zdania w tym trybie warunkowym tworzymy tak:
If + present simple + present simple
If you heat water, it boils.
Pierwszego trybu warunkowego używamy do mówienia o czymś, co naszym zdaniem na pewno się stanie, jeśli dany warunek zostanie spełniony.
If + present simple + future simple
If it rains, we will cancel the trip.
Drugiego trybu warunkowego używamy do gdybania, czyli mówienia o tym co stałoby się jakby jakiś warunek został spełniony.
If + past simple + would + bezokolicznik
If I had more money, I would live in London.
Trzeciego trybu warunkowego używamy do mówienia o rzeczach, które stałyby się w przeszłości, gdyby dany warunek został spełniony (często o czymś, czego żałujemy).
If + past perfect + would + have + czasownik w trzeciej formie
If I had had the money, I would have bought the car yesterday.