Napisz pocztówkę, w której:

• podasz, gdzie i z kim jesteś na wakacjach,

• napiszesz krótko, jak spędzasz czas,

• poinformujesz, kiedy wracasz.

Limit słów: 100 – 120. ​

Odpowiedź :


jest pytanei jeszcze po angielsku czy po polsku

Dear Louisa,

I'm spending a wonderful time at Rewal. I'm at Rewal with my friends from taekwondo, because we are on a summer camp.

I have a good time here. We go to the beach when the weather is good. We also go to the town centre in Rewal, where we buy souvenirs. We also have discos with other people from different summer camps who also arrived to Rewal. We having also a campfire.

I'm coming back home on next week. Hope to see you soon.

See you soon,
