Present perfect i Past simple DAJE NAJ!!! NA SZYBKO ​

Present Perfect I Past Simple DAJE NAJ NA SZYBKO class=

Odpowiedź :


1. have, called

2. has finished

3. went

4. has left

5. have went

6. has lost

7. didn't go

8. has visited

9. has speaked

10. have visited

11. didn't like

12. hasn't come

13. have just went

14. had never fly

15. have caught

16. have changed

(jeżeli coś będzie źle to napisz)


1. They have already called her.

2. Jack finished work an hour ago.

3. Mandy has gone to the bank. She's not here now.

4. Paul left school ten minutes ago.

5. They left school ten minutes ago.

6. Her sister lost her glasses.

7. Sally didn't go home after dinner.

8. Michael visited some poor children.

9. The boy spoke to us.

10. We visited our relatives last Friday.

11. When she was young she didn't like history.

12. Joe hasn't come yet.

13. The children have just come out.

14. Jack has never flown in a plane.

15. Some policemen caught the criminals two days ago.

16. Peter and his father changed some money.


Past Simple: osoba + II forma + reszta zdania

Present Perfect: osoba + have/has + III forma + reszta zdania

W czasie Past Simple bardzo istotne jest kiedy czynność została wykonana np. last Friday, ten minutes ago. W Present Perfect natomiast nie jest istotne to kiedy dana czynność została wykonana, ale ważne są skutki tej czynności, które mają związek z teraźniejszością, np. She has gone to the bank. She's not here now.