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Come to a land full of terrifying orcs, brave men and beautiful elves! The mysterious land of Middle-Earth is the setting for J.R.R. Tolkien’s classic books, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Middle-Earth is full of different characters and people. We’re going to find out all about them!

The main characters in the books are the hobbits. Hobbits look like human beings except they are very small and have hairy feet and pointy ears. They are kind and friendly and they like to spend their days having fun and eating lots of food! In The Lord of the Rings, a hobbit called Frodo has to destroy the One Ring in a volcano.

Another group of people are the elves. The elves are tall, beautiful and they live forever! They are very wise and good and they want to help Frodo destroy the ring.

Not everyone in Middle-Earth is kind and helpful. The enemies of the elves and hobbits are the orcs. These evil, ugly creatures are very dangerous and cruel. You don’t want to meet an orc!

The world of Middle-Earth is a strange and wonderful place and you can discover it yourself in one of Tolkien’s amazing books!

1 Hobbits live in Middle-Earth____
2 The orcs look like human beings.____
3 Hobbits are very big and tall____
4 The elves live in caves____
5 The orcs are very ugly and evil creatures____