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Bierzesz udział w projekcie edukacyjnym. W związku z tym przygotowujesz się do wyjazdu do miasta partnerskiego. W e-mailu do kolegi z Londynu:

wspomnij, czego dotyczy projekt i jaki jest jego cel,

opisz proces rekrutacji uczestników,

napisz, jak przygotowujecie się do prezentacji naszego kraju za granicą,

wyraź oczekiwania związane z pobytem w mieście partnerskim

Odpowiedź :


Witaj :)

Hi [imię]!

How are you? I hope you're all right. I'm going to the other town soon, due to the launch of the "Clean the World" project, in which many people get together and clean up the world (mainly forests and parks). Our goal is to improve the environment in which we live. If anyone would like to join then all they have to do is sign two consents and fill out a document, it's very easy! We are also going to promote our project abroad, we want to expand our project so that every country can get involved in litter picking! I hope we can collect a lot of trash and that our project will be well received abroad. What do you think about it? Would you be interested in joining?

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.