Pomóżcie sprawdzian...

zad. 1 Ułóż definicje do poniższych wyrażeń:

1 relative
2 niece -

3 scruffy -

4 pay a compliment -

5 ancestor -

Score: ___ / 10

zad. 2 Uzupełnij zdania wczasie Present Simple lub Present Continuous.

1 My uncle ….................................(stand) next to my grandma in this photo.

2 Mum says my brother........................................ (take / after) my grandad.

3 She …...............................................(have / lot) of cousins.

4 Uncle Tom ….........................................(not look / relax) in this photo.

5 I ….................................................. (not / spend) much time with my relatives.

6 They ….................................(get / divorced) next month. It’s all been finalised.

7 I only....................................................... (have / few) nephews and nieces.

Score: ___ / 7

zad. 3

Uzupełnij luki w tekście używając poniższych wyrazów. Uwaga! 3 słowa z

poniższych nie pasują do żadnej luki.

Build clever generous jealous little lots

There are (1) ______________ of people in my family. I have eight aunts and

uncles and fourteen cousins. My aunt Geena, who is a nurse, is really (2)

______________ , she gives us very expensive presents for our birthdays. I don’t

have much contact with my middleaged relatives because they live in other

cities. The only person I see often is uncle Frank. He’s a scientist and he’s really

(3) ______________ . I think he’ll be famous one day. Score: ___ / 6p.
Zad. 4

Wybierz prawidłową opcję.

1 She has lots / lot / many of friends.

2 There isn’t many / some / much cheese left in the fridge.

3 I have a little / few / lot relatives in the USA.

4 Few / Some / Much of my cousins keep a diary.

5 He hasn’t got much / no / any aunts or uncles.


Zad. 5

wybierz prawisłową opcję.

1 He is weighing / weigh / weighs 65 kilos.

2 They are playing / play / played football at the moment.

3 She is getting / has got / gets long, dark hair.

4 My friend have / has / is having a very big family.

5 I can’t talk now, I eat / eats / am eating my dinner.


Zad. 6

Napisz maila do kolegi/ koleżanki, w którym opiszesz swoją rodzinę.


– gdzie mieszkasz/ opisz swoją miejscowość

– opisz swoją rodzinę

– zaproś kolegę/ koleżankę do siebie na weekend

e-mail powinien zawierać min. 60- max. 120 słów.​​

Odpowiedź :



relative- a person connected by blood or marriage

niece- a sister's r brother's daughter

scruffy-untidy or dirty

pay a compliment-to say something nice about/to someone

ancestor- a person, typically one more remote than a grandparent, from whom one is descended.

2. is standing

takes after

has a lot

is not looking relaxed

don't spend

have few

3. 1- lots  2- generous 3- clever

4. lots much a few some any

5/weighs are playing has got   has am eating

6. Hello Ted,

thank you for you email. I hope you're OK since.

Let me introduce myself a little bit more.I live in Warsaw. As you may know it's a capital of Poland. It has lots of attractive places, and nearly 2 millions of inhabitants.

My family isn't big. My mum works as a nurse, and dad works a lorry driver. I have a sister too. She's eleven and can be very rude and annoying at times.

 I hope you have no plans for the weekend, as I have an idea! How about visting me? We could play some games and if weather will be good, I could show you my favourite places in Warsaw- especially that the government imposed another lockdown form next Monday. So that is the last call to visit museum or the huge shopping centre!

Please, think it over and let me know. It would be so much fun!

Lots of love,
