
If you use social media, MAY / MUST / PERHAPS you've seen people posting '100 Happy Days' updates. But you MAY NOT / COULD / CAN'T know about Dmitry Golubnichy, the man WHO started this. Dmitry had a good job and a comfortable life, but he still felt unhappy. Do he thought that visiting family and friends CAN / MIGHT / MUST help him. He was right. He was that they were happy with less money and he realized that his ideas about happiness CAN / MAYBE / COULD be the real problem! Dmitry thought that MAY BE / PERHAPS / MAY there was a better way to enjoy life. He decided to share one happy thing every day for 100 days. People saw his social media updates, with the #100happydays tag, and thought, 'This idea COULD / PERHAPS / CAN'T help me, too!'. Now, thousands od people have done it. CAN / PERHAPS / MUST noticing one good thing a day help make you happier? Try it and it CAN / MAY / PERHAPS surprise you.

(English plus options, klasa 8, ćwiczenie 4 str. 28)

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If you use social media, MAY / MUST / PERHAPS you've seen people posting '100 Happy Days' updates. But you MAY NOT / COULD / CAN'T know about Dmitry Golubnichy, the man WHO started this. Dmitry had a good job and a comfortable life, but he still felt unhappy. Do he thought that visiting family and friends CAN / MIGHT / MUST help him. He was right. He was that they were happy with less money and he realized that his ideas about happiness CAN / MAYBE / COULD be the real problem! Dmitry thought that MAY BE / PERHAPS / MAY there was a better way to enjoy life. He decided to share one happy thing every day for 100 days. People saw his social media updates, with the #100happydays tag, and thought, 'This idea COULD / PERHAPS / CAN'T help me, too!'. Now, thousands od people have done it. CAN / PERHAPS / MUST noticing one good thing a day help make you happier? Try it and it CAN / MAY / PERHAPS surprise you.