6 Napisz tekst o tym, jak kiedyś byłeś chory/
byłaś chora. Użyj tekstu z ćw. 5 jako wzoru.
Uwzględnij odpowiedzi na poniższe
• What happened to you? (Were you ill or did you
have an accident?)
• How did you feel?
• Did you go to the doctor? What advice did
he/she give?
• Did you take any medicine pls dajcie odp?
• How long were you ill?
• Did you stay at home or go to school?​

Odpowiedź :


A few months ago I was ill. I had the flu. I felt horrible all the time. I had a really high fever. I even throw up few times. I went to the doctor and she said to me that i have to take some medicine and stay home. I took 3 different pills, i had to take them twice a day. I was ill for two long weeks. In the first week I went to school, but than I meet a doctor and she said that i have to stay home so i stayed home.


Nie użyłam zad. 5 ( bo go nie mam) jako wzór ale mam nadzieje że pomoże.