Dopasuj zdania (1-16) do funkcji tekstu (a-p). Jeśli nie znasz jakiejś funkcji tekstu zapisz to słowo do zeszytu i przetłumacz. To sa najczęściej wymieniane funkcje na egzaminie 8-KLASISTY – więc warto te słowa od a do p znać.

1. Can I go to the disco, mum?

2. I’d like you to come to my wedding.

3. Excuse me, how can I get to the post office?

4. Could you borrow me your pen?

5. How about going for a walk?

6. This smartphone is great. It is the best of all. You will be happy having it!

7. I’m afraid I can’t go with you.

8. I can help you with this project if you want, of course.

9. Well done. You’ve passed your tests.

10. I’d love to visit you in your new house. Thanks.

11. The bank closes at 6.

12. You mustn’t enter this building. It can collapse!

13. The notebook has 120 pages and has a beautiful cover with your sign of zodiac.

14. I think she should do more exercises.

15. I’m really sorry. That won’t happen again.

16. Good luck! I keep my fingers crossed.

a) Giving advice

b) Requesting

c) Asking for permission

d) Wishes

e) Refusing

f) Invitation

g) Apologising

h) Giving information

i) Congratulating

j) Asking for information

k) Suggestion

l) Accepting an invitation

m) Offering

n) Describing

o) Recommendation

p) Warning