opisz 3 wynalazki po angielsku jakiekolwiek na TERAZ​

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1. Mobile phone is an invention without which many people today cannot imagine living. It was developed in the 1970s in the United States. First mobile phones were big and heavy and as they were very expensive, only a small number of people could afford them. In order to operate, the device needs a cellular network owned by mobile network operators. It works thanks to radio waves that it receives and sends. 2. I think that the computer is one of the most useful inventions because it facilitates not only work and life. It helps in many schools, houses of services such as the police is also used for scientific research that is necessary. 1949 3. The car is one of the most fascinating thing that a person can own. Cars are also one of the most pervasive thing.

A car contains dozens of different technologies. Everything from the engine to the tires is its own special universe of design and engineering.