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Many people think that working in TV is exciting, but that isn’t always true. People think that everything in TV happens very quickly, but sometimes it happens very slowly. The actors often wait a long time to act their part, and that’s
boring. Sometimes, it takes a day to make a scene that is only five minutes long.
Working in TV is also more difficult than it looks. For everything to go well, the film crew, actors and presenters must be very good at their jobs. Things don’t always happen in the way the director and producer planned them and that can be complicated.

Working in TV is not always 1 exciting . Some things happen very 2 ______ on film sets, and it can be 3______ for actors. It can take a day to film a very short 4 ________ . The film
5__________have to do their jobs very well. It’s very 6._________when things don’t go to plan.