Wybierz odpowiedź, która najlepiej uzupełnia dialog.
X: Is she your favourite _____? Y: Yes, I really love her songs.
A journalistB singerC author
3 X: The thriller we watched last night was _____.
Y: Yes, it was really exciting.
A disappointing B movingC gripping
2X: Which novel is better: ‘Prague in Spring’ or ‘Dark Night’?
Y: ‘Prague in Spring’ is better. It’s _____ ‘Dark Night’.
A as interesting asB more interesting thanC the most interesting of
3X: Is this Lady Gaga’s first _____?
Y: No, her first CD was ‘The Fame’ in 2008.
A albumB trackC verse
4X: Why are the girl’s eyes closed in the photo?
Y: _____.
A She looks very young.B She's probably tired.C In my opinion, she's boring.
5X: Would you like to buy any of John Green’s novels?
Y: No, thanks. I’ve _____ read all his books two or three times.
A yetB justC already