Str. 39 zad. 4 /Fotografia B/
* opis ilustracji - kogo /co widzisz? (2 zdania) / co robią? (2 zdania) / gdzie są? (2 zdania) - In the picture I can see... On the right/left I
can see/there is/are... In the middle I can see... In the foreground/background I can see/there is/are...
* odpowiedź na trzy pytania:
Can you repeat / rephrase the question? - Proszę powtórzyć / przeformułować pytanie?
1 pyt. - Bezpośrednio dotyczy interpretacji sytuacji przedstawionej na ilustracji.
2 pyt. - Łączy tematykę ilustracji z osobistymi doświadczeniami, opiniami, preferencjami, zainteresowaniami, planami egzaminowanego.
3 pyt. - Wymaga opisania własnego przeżycia wiążącego się z tematem danego obrazka. Odpowiadając na ostatnie pytanie, relacjonując
wydarzenie z przeszłości, należy użyć czasów przeszłych.
It was 2 weeks/years ago... I went to... I saw... I had... I lost... I found... I won... I bought... I met... I heard... I thought that... I was... I liked... I
felt... I didn’t feel/have/find/see/buy… It was a fantastic/sad experience.
I was walking when ... happened. We were talking when ...
Opis fot.:

Odpowiedz na pytania.
1. Why do you think the young people are smiling?

2. Where do you like doing your shopping and why?

3. What did you recently buy but were not happy with?

Str 39 Zad 4 Fotografia B Opis Ilustracji Kogo Co Widzisz 2 Zdania Co Robią 2 Zdania Gdzie Są 2 Zdania In The Picture I Can See On The Rightleft Ican Seethere I class=

Odpowiedź :



In the picture I can see a group of friends hanging out together. They seem to be very happy together, and excited that they have this opportunity. As I've already said before, they are hanging out together in a shop. They are most likely here to go shopping to buy some interesting things. On the right I can see a guy holding two colorful bags - a blue and a white one. On the left though, I can't see too much, as it's the most blurred here. Though I can surely see another guy in a white T-shirt, and a person walking behind! Talking about that, behind we can see the "background, including lots of shops, walls, and of course that person! In the middle, there are even more of the friends! The one with the blonde hair, the one with the black ones, and the girl with dark brown hair!

Pytanie 1:

I think the young people were smiling, because as I've stated before - they seem to be very excited about them being able to hang out together to go shopping, and it looks like their shopping adventure was successful, and of course fun! They also could be satisfied with the things they've bought together, that's pretty important to add, as well.

Pytanie 2:

I like shopping in many shops! I don't like shopping in big or popular ones, as there are a lot of people, and I would have to wait longer to buy something. The plus of big shops is that there are a lot of nice things! But once again, people can buy them fast.

Pytanie 3:

I'm not that type of person that likes going shopping, to be honest. Especially to buy things for myself! When I did though, the recent thing I bought and I wasn't happy with was a jacket. It was a blue outside, and red inside. It was also very comfortable! When I tried it on, it seemed to be perfect. But it sadly wasn't - it said that it was the best option for winter, but I was actually freezing in it!

Strasznie przepraszam za jakiekolwiek błędy, bo na pewno będą. Próbowałam zrobić to dla Ciebie jak najszybciej, więc nie będę sprawdzała słowo po słowie czy wszystko jest dobre. Powodzenia! <3

1. Kogo/ co widzę?

In the picture, I see a group of people smiling. They are posing for a photo.

2. Gdzie są?

The young people are out shopping, perhaps at a mall. I believe this because in the foreground I see a boy holding a bag.

1. Why do you think the young people are smiling?

I think the young people are smiling because a picture is being taken of them. I think everyone wants to look good in a photograph. They are also certainly enjoying each other's society and having a great time.

2.  Where do you like doing your shopping and why?

I like shopping at the grocery store the most. I get very excited and can't wait to make the dish I'm going to create with the ingredients. Food is something I enjoy, so whenever I go to the store I like to buy goodies to brighten my day.

3. What did you recently buy but were not happy with?

I recently bought plain rice for meals. I bought it at a stationary store. The date of the product was good, but when I opened it, I found that there were worms inside. Now I am disgusted with rice.