Instructions: Complete these sentences using the words on this list.
contagious exposed fast-food germs immune incidence radiation
recovering rehabilitated rehabilitation resist sneezes transmit vaccine
1. Bacteria and viruses that cause diseases are called
2. We bought lunch at a restaurant.
3. Humans are to many diseases that affect cats and dogs.
4. The clinic claims to have successfully countless patients with drug addiction.
5. I can't chocolate cake.
6. He has stopped drinking and regained his health, and he credits Alcoholics Anonymous for his .
7. They were to radiation in the Fukushima nuclear accident.
8. She is home from the hospital after from her illness.
9. Angela whenever she is in a dusty room.
10. Measles is a disease.
11. There is a new for the flu every year.
12. Many people are concerned about from nuclear waste.
13. There is a greater of this type of cancer in the United States than in France or Italy.
14. Mosquitoes diseases