Pomocy pozdro kuba kuba

1. I have a fair complexion.
2. She has two brohers.
3. Mery she has a pretty dress.
4. They have good gardes at school.
5. His friends he has extra money.
6. James he has dark hair.
7. Parrots they have colourful feathers.
8. The teachers they have interesting books.
9. I have nice friends.
10. My father he has a luxurious car.
Odmiana have got
Liczba pojedyncza:
I have - Ja mam
You have - Ty masz
He has - On ma
She has - Ona ma
It has - Ono ma
Liczba mnoga:
We have - My mamy
You have - Wy macie
They have - Oni mają
Mam nadzieję że pomogłam i za jakiekolwiek błędy w pracy przepraszam bo robiłam na szybko, jak znajdziecie błędy to proszę piszcie w komentarzach to poprawię:)