W zadaniach (1–5) wybierz wyraz, który poprawnie uzupełnia luki w obydwu zdaniach. Zakreśl literę A, B albo C.
1 Both of my friends have to wear …….. to their jobs. That blue denim skirt …….. you perfectly.
A fits B dresses C suits
2 It …….. like Ann is in a bad mood today.
It’s wrong to judge people just because of their …….. . A looks B seems C views
3 John decided to divide the money he won …….. his friends.
The main difference …….. my twin brother and I is our hair colour.
A among B between C around
4 There was only one seat …….. on the train. Now that school has finished, Bill is … to do whatever he wants.
A open B available C free
5 I left my coat on the …….. seat of the car.
…….. in college, I had an awful hairstyle.
A earlier B back C rear