Szczuradoslaw Szczuradoslaw 08-04-2021 Język angielski Rozwiązane POMOCY!!! 2 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z nawiasów w poprawnej formie czasu past simple lub past continuous. We _________ (see) Julia while she ________ (cross) the street in front of the school. What _______________(you / do) at midnight? I’m sure _______________(not /sleep). Last summer I _______________ (fall) off a horse and I _______________ (break) my arm. Who _______________ (you /talk) to all evening? I _______________ (try) to call you ten times and the line _______________ (be) busy. _______________ (you / read) the book when I _______________ (tell) you how it ends? Sorry! Where’s your jacket? _______________ (you / forget) it?