Odpowiedź :
Hey my name is (wpisz swoje imię)!
I'm living in Warsaw, Poland. Very nice city with a lot of history. The places you should visit for sure, that will be The Old Town. If you want to know more about this place, there are a lot offers of a guides. The symbol of my town is a mermaide. Near the river Wisła you can find her big statue. There is also an another statue od her byt it's more lika a fountain. Speaking of fountains, we have a nice giant fountains park. It's definitely worth to see it at night. At summer time they projecting a film on a water and everybody is going with a picnic cape to see it. Warsaw stand for a nice classic palace. For example Łazienki Królewskie (I wrote that in polish 'cuz if I'll translate this to english, that will be a Royal Bathroom and that's not what I wanted to say), but that more like a garden with a giant palace in a middle. Pałac w Wilanowie is definitely a nice place to spend an evening.
In The Łazienki Królewskie you can go swim around the "lake" in one of those cute little boats. If you like to just stay and drink frozen coffe and stuff like that, in the center of Warsaw there a lot of caffes.
To make traveling around Warsaw more comfortable, you can go somewhere by bus, tram ar our metro line. The taxies also work around the whole city so you can catch them very easily.
I hope you'll now thing about a trip to this place. I truly recommend it.