In my opinion, Hokey is not very interesting. You may ask 'why so? 'Well, nothing of interest is happening there. Competitors dance on skates, with sticks that remind me a bit of something from horror-? and in general, instead of a ball, there is a puck that must hit the goal, but the same 'show' if I can call it that, we can see it in the stadium from football, you also have to hit the goal, and you do not need to parade with sticks and dance skating, How would I rate this sport is 2/10
Zgaduję żę nie zdążyłam wiec na start wybacz mi, prosze, Sprawdź w tlumaczu czy tam w googlu czy miałam jakies błędy bo z niego nie korzystałam i to tyle, jeszcze raz mi wybacz :(