Przeczytaj tekst o planach na przyszłość czterech nastolatków. Dopasuj do każdego pytania właściwą osobę.
Hayley: I want to leave school and get a job soon! After my exams next summer, I’m going to study Physical Education at college. I want to be a fitness instructor or a PE teacher. I’m sure there are a lot of opportunities. Every student in the country has PE lessons at school!
Josh: I want to be an engineer, so I’m going to study maths, chemistry and physics A levels. Hopefully, I can go to university after that. The university course is four years long, and for one of those years I'd like to work for an engineering company in France. It sounds like hard work, but good fun, too!
Katy: I’m starting university in two months’ time. I’m going to study French. Before I start, though, I’m having a long holiday in Asia. I have no idea what sort of job I’m going to do in the future, but I’m hoping an idea comes to me during my university course. I love foreign languages, and I want a well-paid job where I’m fulfilled.
Zeb: I'm not interested in money. I want to be an actor. It’s going to be hard, but I believe I can succeed. I’m trying to get into a drama school at the moment. I’m going to an interview at a school in London next week. Lots of people aren't successful the first time, but that's OK. I can do some voluntary work while I’m waiting.
Which person ...
1. wants to work in theatres and films?_____
2. wants to work abroad for a year?___
3. doesn't know exactly what they want to do?___
4. wants to get a job in sport?___
5. is definitely going to university?___
6. is going to study science?___
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