Przetłumacz fragmenty podane w nawiasach na język angielski, tak aby otrzymać zdania logiczne i gramatycznie poprawne. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie pięć wyrazów. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych fragmentów zdań.
77. ___________________________________ (Mówi się, że) Rio de Janeiro is the ideal place to participate in a carnival.
78. The final draft of the essay ___________________________________ (powinien być napisany) on lined paper.
79. The gifts I ordered for Christmas ___________________________________ (nie zostały dostarczone na czas), so I’m going to send them back to the shop.
80. This book ___________________________________ (została przetłumaczona) into more languages than any other work of literature.
81. The man ___________________________________ (z którym ona rozmawia) to is a world class violinist.
82. My neighbour, ___________________________________ (której pies zaginął) last weekend, is offering a reward to anyone who finds it.
83. Last Easter my grandma baked a fantastic apple pie, ____________________________________ (z którego połowę) I ate on the spot.
84. This is the hotel ___________________________________ (w którym zostaniemy) stay for the next three days.
85. Many people have a lot of Facebook friends, ___________________________________ (z których wielu) they’ve never met in real life.
86. The best holiday in my life was last year, when we spent __________________________________ (tydzień w Alpach).
87. I don’t know what you are cooking, but it ___________________________________ (ładnie pachnie).
88. ___________________________________ (Im więcej czasu spędzasz) in the gym, the fitter you become.
89. This is ___________________________________ (jedno z najbardziej luksusowych) places I’ve ever seen!
90. The director’s last film ___________________________________ (był dużo gorszy niż) his previous works.
91. I’d rather you ___________________________________ (żebyś się do mnie nie odzywał) when I’m trying to concentrate on my work.
92. If Helen had saved more when she was younger, she ___________________________________ (miałaby dziś więcej pieniędzy).
93. ___________________________________ (Gdybym był mniej zajęty), I would definitely spend more time jogging in the forest.
94. Most students in my class wish ___________________________________ (żeby ich nauczyciele dawali im) less homework for the weekend.
95. I ___________________________________ (na pewno bym do ciebie zadzwonił) if I had only known you were ill.
96. Tony ___________________________________ (niepotrzebnie przyniósł) so much food – we still have plenty of leftovers from the Sunday roast.
97. You ___________________________________ (mogłeś powiedzieć mi) that you were going out – I needed some things from the chemist’s.
98. Never ___________________________________ (wcześniej nie widziałem) such a beautiful sunrise!
99. Your parents ___________________________________ (pewnie wydali wiele) on your new electric guitar.
100. No ___________________________________ (ledwie wyszedłem z domu) than I met some of my old primary school friends.

Odpowiedź :


Nie wyszystkiego jestem 100% pewna

77. It is said that

78. should be written

79. weren't delivered on time

80. has been translated

81. who she is talking

82. whose dog got lost

83. the half of which  

84. where we are going to

85. many of whom

86. a week in  

87. smells nice

88. The more time you spend

89. one of the most luxurious

90. was much worse than

91. wouldn't talk to me  

92. would have more money today  

93. If I were less busy

94. their teachers gave them

95. would definitely call you

96. brought unnecessarily  

97. should tell me  

98. have I seen before

99. probably spent a lot of money  

100. sooner had I left home